Episode 82: Emma Manis is back! She shares what recovery in transition looks like, and the complexities of the fashion industry

Emma Manis -- founder of EVOLVE -- is back with Catherine and Francis to explore the complexities of working in the fashion industry as an anti-fatphobic, anti-diet culture advocate, and what she's doing to help ensure her own emotional wellbeing as well as tearing down barriers for others. Emma also recounts what helped her stay in recovery during a significant life transition, words with which many individuals can relate. More than anything, Emma wants to remind all of us that Beauty Has No Limits. If you or anyone you know is struggling with body image concerns right now, don't miss this conversation!

CW: body image dissatisfaction, fatphobia, diet-culture, eating disorders


Diet Culture: Healing Through Storytelling. We gave a TEDx Talk, and now it’s time to process.


Episode 81: Kelly Clark is an author and an advocate for mental health, and she's here to talk eating disorders, OCD, and more